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Special Interest Groups, Meditation + Healing
Affinity Groups embody the mission of Wainwright House by providing the opportunity for members to gather
around a shared perspective or interest and learning from each other.
Here's how to form an Affinity Group: Three Wainwright House members express interest in a particular focus,
with one member accepting responsibility for coordinating the group.
Group Coordinators are unpaid volunteers.
All participants are asked to maintain a current Wainwright House membership, and pay $10 per meeting
to help support the running of Wainwright House.
Please call 914-967-6080 or email us at if you wish to start a group.
Affinity Group Guidelines can be found below.
Before attending your first meeting, please call Wainwright House to confirm the date, time & room location.
Meditation and Healing Circle
Tuesdays 7:30pm to 8:45pm in Meditation Room
Healing Circles have been a tradition at Wainwright House for more than 15 years. The practice of healing circles dates back to 4000 BC and is found in many cultures and belief systems.
The Wainwright House group may use Reiki or other forms of energy healing as it is a self-directed group. Several Reiki practitioners are in the circle and are happy to assist with the healing.
Circles start with 20 to 30 minutes of silent meditation, generally with music. Then, names of people or beings who need healing are brought into the circle. Finally, anyone present who wants the help of the healing energy sits in the middle of the circle to enjoy the healing benefits.
This is only with the permission of the participant. The evening ends with conversation and sharing for those who care to talk about their experience. Silence is always respected as well. The practice may be appropriate for some children with adult supervision.
If you have any questions, please call Linda Stelluti at 914-263-6168 or Mark Heminway at 203-470 3688
Community of Mindfulness Meditation Group
Quiet Harbor Sangha
Meets every Thursday at 7:00-8:30pm
Greenleaf Room in the Main House (room can change, so check at Front Desk)
Quiet Harbor Sangha is a community of practice in the tradition of Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, one of the best known and most respected Buddhist masters in the world today.
We welcome you to join us for our meditation practice. Our sessions are open to all and no prior meditation experience is necessary. Each session includes sitting and walking meditation, dharma reading and discussion. Chairs and some cushions will be available. If you have a sitting cushion, please bring it. Wear comfortable clothing and please do not wear fragrances.
Quiet Harbor Sangha is a part of The Community of Mindfulness New York and belongs to a wide network of national and international sanghas (communities).
For information about the practice, you may go to
If you have any questions, please contact Sara Silver 914-462-1262.
Book Club
Meets Approximately Monthly, 6:30-8:00 pm,
see next day/date(s), location & book title below:
Contact coordinator Tricia Madden to be added to the email list: Group members, please respond to emails so the coordinator knows who is reading the book and planning to attend!
Come expand your horizons, share thoughts, and meet in community with others. Each month we read an inspiring, thought-provoking title, and then meet for a casual discussion. Feel free to bring a snack or beverage.
Next Meeting Date(s) & Title(s):
Thursday, April 24, 2025, 6:30-8:00 pm, Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano. The location is the library of Wainwright House, in the mansion on the first floor. BYOB & snack if desired.
Please remember to maintain your Wainwright House membership, sign in on the clipboard & make your $10 donation towards the house's upkeep at each meeting. ​
Dates are subject to change for school breaks/conflicts at Wainwright House. Hiatus June-August.
Any questions, or to offer a book suggestion for a future meeting, please contact group coordinator Tricia Madden:
Affinity Group Guidelines:
Only current members of Wainwright House may submit a proposal for an Affinity Group (AG). Proposals will be evaluated by the Program Committee for contribution to WH's mission statement/goals and the needs of the community.
A list of 3 current WH members who support the formation of the group and plan to regularly participate. Three months will be given to allow the group to grow, but a sustainable number of 5 active participants will be required to continue.
E-mailed proposals are preferred. Please send to
Rules for conducting Affinity Groups
AG's are leaderless groups. They are an opportunity for the WH community to meet and share common interests and concerns. Coordinators are not group leaders or teachers, but the person handling logistics.
Coordinators are not paid and all income is WH's. AG participants must be current members of WH, and are expected to pay $10 each time the AG meets.
AG must receive WH approval before making any scheduling changes. Times and rooms must be made through the House staff. Occasionally, it may be necessary to change rooms or postpone meetings to accommodate events or retreat groups in residence. AG coordinators are responsible for contacting the group and any special set-ups and clean-up of rooms after meetings.
Coordinator Responsibilities
Prior to AG's first meeting, the coordinator must schedule a 15-minute meeting with a WH staff member to learn simple procedures and logistics regarding AG paperwork.
Stay in communication with WH staff regarding any scheduling changes. In the event of a cancellation, it is the coordinator's responsibility to notify all group members in advance. Please be sure to share with WH staff an accurate list of your member's names and contact information for this purpose.
Check membership status of participants; collect membership from those who are not members, complete and submit attendance sheets, accounting paperwork and income collected.
Return meeting room to the condition it was in upon arrival and turn off all lights and equipment used before leaving.
Acceptance of AG's
Coordinators will be notified of the Program Committee's decision within six weeks of submitting a proposal (to allow for monthly Board Meeting review). If the AG is accepted by WH, it will be offered on a trial basis initially, the length to be determined by WH. Promotion of AG's will only be considered after a successful trial period.
WH reserves the right to cancel AGs if rules of conduct are not honored or if coordinators are not maintaining their responsibilities.