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Wainwright House is proud to introduce our inaugural Artist-in-Residence, Corinne Trang. Corinne's professional career and personal practices embody Wainwright's mission;  with her work consistently inspiring connection, growth, creativity and deeper learning.  Over the course of her residency, you will find Corinne around the house finishing up her next book. leading  a number of workshops, and offering private sessions. Please join us in welcoming Corinne! 




 An author of nine books and recipient of four literary awards, Corinne Trang has spent over 20 years researching eastern healing modalities. Known as an expert in Asian food cultures, today, she combines ancient theories and practices that go back thousands of years, helping folks develop balanced, healthful, meaningful, and joyful lives. Her presentations, workshops and retreats incorporate movement, meditation, food and tea therapies, critical thinking and self-expression.

Corinne has consulted for non-profits and for-profits including the American Diabetes Association, Wholesome Wave, Sylvia Center, Kame, Simply Asia and Thai Kitchen. She has written or and been featured in Cooking Light, Saveur, Diabetes Forecast, Diabetes Self-Management, Food & Wine, Gourmet, and The New York Times, to name a few. She has appeared on many television, cable and radio network shows including Martha Stewart Living, Bloomberg, Business Talk Radio, CBS Morning News, Food Network, and TODAY.

An engaging, fun and rigorous instructor, Corinne has taught and or presented at Mass MoCA, New York University, Syracuse University, Ramapo College, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Harvard Center for Health and the Global Environment, and the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne, Germany to name a few.


Today her on-going research is on tea as a spiritual, curative and physical practice. She is a certified holistic health and nutrition counselor, yoga and meditation guide, as well as a tea educator in private practice. She is currently at work on a book about tea and its healing effect on body and mind.


She serves as Artist-in-Residence and program advisor at Wainwright House.

Wainwright House Cancellation Policy:

  • No refunds will be offered if you do not show up, are late, or leave early from a program.

  • If you need to cancel, fees can be transferred to another event.

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